Stress Detector© is a Multi Focus system for Early Warning.
We measure in 3D: Before, now and in future

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Why we developed Stress Detector©
Because once the damage is done, prevention is too late.
Stress Detector is an early warning tool designed to provide you with surgical precision in spotting where to act in order to prevent stress long before stress may lead to illness and missing work. Stress Detector is also useful in identifying capacity for new assignments and future challenges requiring extra efforts from your employees.
How does Stress Detector work©
TRADITIONAL measures of well-being are made once the damage is already being done. Stress Detector is unique as it not only looks at the current state of affairs, but also measures developments over time: How was it before? How is it today? And what to expect going forward?
Stress Detector is a Multi Focus Early Warning system. We measure the following 3D elements as well as aspects before, now and in the future:
Employee assessment of own well-being
Next of kin assessment of employee well-being
Manager assessment of employee well-being
Employee assessment of before
Employee assessment of now
Employee assessment of the future
This makes it the most detailed tool on the market when identifying areas in need to action and attention to prevent stress before stress becomes a factor.

Kasper Rønslev Nielsen
Adm. direktør, stiftende partner,
Rønslev Rådgivende Ingeniører
"Vi prøvede Stress Detector for at se, om vi kunne fange stress-symptomer tidligt, inden det bliver til decideret sygdom og fravær. Det mest interessante er, at både lederen, medarbejderen og den derhjemme skal vurdere de enkelte stress-parametre, og hvis der er væsentlig forskel på lederens og medarbejderens egen vurdering, har det givet anledning til at snakke om trivslen og evt. sætte konkrete tiltag i værk. I modsætning til andre værktøjer har Stress Detector den fordel, at man kigger både tilbage og frem i tiden, så man får et mere nuanceret billede".
Analysis of all parameters contributing to stress, both in the past, now and in the future, as regards the individual employee and the company in general.
Stress Detector is the only strategy identifying stress parameters taking a 3D view.
Stress Detector analyses the correlation between
The unique aspect of Stress Detector is that we use the 3D view to map out the correlation between WORK, HOME and ORGANISATION, thus providing a more in-depth view of any issues than usually offered by standard reviews of job satisfaction and well-being.
Stress Detector runs follow up reviews after 6 and 12 months respectively offering ongoing embedding coaching sessions with the employees.

On-going analysis of whether the stress-reducing measures taken by the company remain efficient.
A 3D review of the preventative measures of the company with inputs from employees, network and company.
Review of all participating employees at a conference identifying employees potentially developing stress.
Work Agility. A tool forecasting capacity in the organisation for new demanding initiatives.
Coaching of employees suffering from stress.

We're breaking the code in terms of stress prevention in the workplace. Our tools are: A preventative strategy against stress (requiring organisational analysis, psychoeducation (PE), management intervention, behavioural strategies, unlearning and new learning.
Multi-faceted stress intervention at a personal, departmental or selected level. Focus on specific stresses and strains, which may be identified and verified. Special knowledge in the field of building mental and psychological resilience and changing the mental patterns of the individual.
How did Stress Detector© emerge?
The Stress Detector idea stems from a 2016 peer group of psychologists. The group was made up of clinical, business and neuro psychologists. At the first meeting held by the group, it was clear that the group's objective was to solve the eternal problem that stress presents. There was a strong desire to collate the 100+ years of professional experience in terms of both stress prevention and treatment represented in the group. The group also wanted to review all accessible knowledge on the origin and prevention of work-related stress to offer a new, radical solution. Over the years, the group held meetings and developed a joint model aimed at the identification of stress-related disorders and the appropriate intervention.
The model offered something entirely new and unique: A 3D model of our understanding of stress prevention. The 3D elements consist of:
Individual's assessment of own life circumstances.
Partner's/closest network's or immediate manager's assessment of the life circumstances of the individual.
A time dimension. The assessments provided by the three parties (individual, partner/network and manager) of changes in the past until today as well as their assessment of changes going forward.
The 3D model documents areas where the workplace and individual may act to prevent stress. The 3D model may work as an early warning system in the sense that it is a predictor of where stress may occur. The 3D model may show available capacity (Work Agility) where special efforts are needed, e.g. ahead of a particularly busy or demanding period at the workplace. Two peers in the group chose to work on and develop a commercial version of the 3D model. This was called the Stress Detector. The 3D model was translated into a prototype featuring a questionnaire, an algorithm for the processing of collected data and a report generator. The prototype was successfully tested in beta companies forming the basis of the model we are currently using. ​​

Henrik Hopff is a business psychologist. Cand. Psych. Authorised. Specialist and supervisor approval. Trained in systemic and cognitive therapy as well as Innovative Thinking System™. Henrik started and founded a number of professional networks promoting business psychology and general psychology methods.
Per Hulstrøm is a business psychologist. Authorised by the Danish Supervisory Board of Psychological Practice (Psykolognævnet). Specialises in work and organizational psychology. Specialist and supervisor in work and organisational psychology. Member of the Danish Psychological Association (Dansk Psykolog Forening). Member of the Danish Association of Crisis and Disaster Psychology Operational Preparedness (Dansk Krise- og Katastrofepsykologisk Selskab). Group analytic psychotherapist at the Institute of Group Analysis (Institut for Gruppeanalyse), Copenhagen.
Niels Henri Burkhard is an international entrepreneur, headhunter and outplacement coach. With a degree in business administration, he has many years of experience in Human Resources Management and Development. Niels is on the board of Directors of Stress Detector© and responsible for its international business development.

Learn more about the added value Stress Detector© will effect to your company